Progress or withdrawal? The new moon yesterday in Taurus next to Uranus and the sun will bring flashes of burglary and release from curfew and leave for free all month. is that so? On the one hand, there is a reopening of jobs, on the other, it is not a return to the routine that was nor will be. Uranus, the star of revolutions, found in Taurus, symbolizing a shake-up in the economy and social and personal security and a fundamental change from the ground up, a new beginning.
24.4 A good time to think about different and varied directions for progress. Consult and help out friends and family to help each other financially. On the other hand, it is not worth criticizing each other, the impatience is increasing over the next two days.
25.4 - 26.4 powerful days of shaking, shaking, creating, and breaking. Sun is close to Uranus in Taurus, together they are squared to Saturn in Aquarius. Along with them, Mercury in Aries squared to Pluto in retreat and adjacent to a Jupiter in Capricorn, eyes open to parts of the truth that have been hidden from us until now. Existing security seems to be shaking. The Saturn Square in Aquarius results in disillusionment with the new reality created here, along with which new values and new ideas for employment are born out of the sense of instability. Now is the time to step out of the mindset and examine the employment capabilities you possess, recalculate trajectory, and take actions that will open up new avenues for development. New collaborations with common interests are embraced as Venus in Gemini at 120 Harmonic Angle to Mars in Aquarius. On a personal level, pay attention to the values and needs that lead you. What has changed? Where do you feel the urge to change direction? The power of change is very powerful and affects everyone, but especially the bulls Zodiac, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Lion.
27.4 Mercury The media star is moving to Taurus and the activity for economic, social change seems to be slowing down. While communication is slow and there is a sense of stopping because of the square created between Taurus and Saturn calculated in Aquarius, Mercury is advancing to conjunction with Uranus in Taurus and a wave of protests ahead of us. On a personal level, look around you and see who is drawing energy from you and who you are mutually feeding. A great time to create new social connections with common interests to break through and move forward together. If the ease of closure allows you to get out, it is definitely a good time to vent, change the atmosphere, and meet friends.
28.4 - 29.4 Convergence with the lunar transition to cancer. Time to connect to the roots from which we grew from a place of understanding and thanksgiving. Take advantage of the pause to check with yourself what drove you to the routine. What do you love and why did you connect and why not. What has given you financial and social security so far? Will that confidence continues to serve you or is it time to change direction? Consider limited words beautiful words and big promises that are being said these days, and Venus in Gemini's Square to Neptune in Pisces may create an overly optimistic atmosphere that will turn out to be an illusion.
30.4 Reopening of trade in accordance with the new reality. Mercury linked to Uranus in Taurus opens the economic system, social restructuring, but on the other hand, bubbling agitations and protests of various groups out of economic hardship and common survival interests to change the existing system. Saturn in a bucket squared for Uranus and Mercury in Taurus requires a new economic, social order. Struggle for equal rights and changing laws and frameworks for the benefit of citizens. Saturn signifies a long process of change, but the square to Uranus and Mercury in Aries has accelerated the process. The buds of change came from the ground. So far, with love,
Maya Goor Petel