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Upcoming Forecast 27.11 till 3.12

The last days of November expose us to new parts of truth versus illusion. Surrendering to standing up to the lack of clarity in the routine in which we are all in quarantine due to strict rules that have come to supposedly minimize the virus.

27.11 - 28.11 Restlessness increased. The urge to change and break laws that are closing and narrowing is intensifying. Venus in Scorpio versus Uranus in Taurus pulls us strongly to change the existing routine. Loose relationships can end. Despite the difficult angle, the pace is relatively slow because Venus in Scorpio makes us think carefully about what I got out of it. Personally, pay attention to the financial offers that come to you and business collaborations. What is the latent interest behind each proposal? Avoid arguments that could lead to painful violence.

29.11 Waking up. Sun in Sagittarius at an angle of 150 to Uranus in Taurus, illuminates us strongly with reality and challenges us in the face of the shaky routine. Mercury in Scorpio at a harmonious angle to Jupiter in Capricorn and the eyes open in front of parts of the image we have not seen until now.

30.11 Today! A lunar eclipse occurs at 8 degrees in Gemini. A shady lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the sun and the moon and casts a shadow over 82% of the moon's surface. Where will we see the eclipse? Extensive parts of North and South America, Australia, parts of East Asia.

The lunar eclipse in Gemini serves as an opening for the third phase of the transformation, a change of 2020. How does this happen? The eclipse occurs on the axis of Gemini Sagittarius up 8 with the moon at an angle of 30 to Uranus in Taurus and Sun in Sagittarius at an angle of 150 to Uranus in Taurus and exposes us to the unstable and shaky routine we entered about a year ago. The eclipse raises in us the question of what do I believe? Gemini versus Sagittarius exposes us to parts of the truth that have been hidden from our eyes. Reality is not black or white, good or bad. It is a wide range of colors, flavors, and aromas, and also every motive for action has an overt or covert interest. The interesting point here is that the lunar eclipse in Gemini occurs in front of Sagittarius creating an angle to Uranus in Taurus called in astrological language "Finger of God", strong and shaking energy from Uranus in Taurus indicating that there is no consistency and stability at present, but we have the right to increase faith In a period of instability. It is recommended today to meditate and connect to faith out of awareness, optimism, and belief that we can build a new and fulfilling social, economic system.

1.12 - 3.12 Mercury moves to Sagittarius and the media becomes open and full of optimism even though Mercury is considered weak in Sagittarius because it tends to impatience and dispersal. There is enthusiasm and creating new collaborations, but there is difficulty in maintaining smooth communication, lots of jumps from one topic to another, and difficulty getting down to the small details. Faith becomes strong, but pay attention to what and to whom? Keep your eyes open because as this year shows us, the truth is more complex than we thought.

with love,

Maya Goor Petel

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